...Introducing the world's most advanced tracking & management solution for security, maintenance and ALL on-the-go type professions...
Our patented WiFi/Bluetooth/GPS technology tracks indoors and out, providing multi-story coverage.
Location data is used to streamline productivity, identify problems and monitor people & places in real-time.
LIVE help and support is available 24/7 to resolve issues quickly or answer any questions, any time day or night.
Tracking app is compatible with all Android devices 4+ (Web portal can be viewed on any browser, by any device)
Visually keep your team connected via 3 types of live, interactive maps...
Picture Maps
Active Zone Maps
GPS Maps
Access the OnPatrol® portal via any device's web browser to monitor and manage sites
• Intelligent multi-floor, multi-location, indoor / outdoor tracking
• Generate and print full .PDF reports directly from the web!
• Emergency / General Alert / Request Assistance features
• Live group-chat and private user messaging
• 'Daily report' feature to record day-to-day site operations
• Incident report with photo documentation system
• Easy user invitation system (for quickly adding members to a site)
• Configurable user permissions and supervisor tools
• Optional, fully-integrated employee time-clock system
• View live data and statistic graphs from current and past activities
• Access the OnPatrol® web portal from any web browser, on any platform
Ask about group trials, special pricing, or interest in patent sale / licensing. All data is kept private.